Women’s handbag, necessity or finery?
Nowadays, be in fashion is the mainly goal of any woman whatever the age. Then, by obligation or will, they search an accordance between their dress and all that follow till the handbag. It is scarce to see a woman go out without keeping a handbag although she has nothing to put in. The handbag is then part of many women who are embarrassed to go out without it.
Athalie GBAGUIDI (Trainee)
Most of the time, women use the handbag to carry many accessories. Handbags play an important role because whatever the profession they are like toolboxes. Talking about women state employees, they put in it fields, books, copybooks, pencil case and other things. According to Blanche Nima a french teacher, her handbag is her satchel. « I used to put in it all my beauty’s accessories when going to the work », added Anita, a hairdresser at Parakou. The handbag is kept not only for work but also for dates. It is like a lovebird of any woman. By this, it is lugged anywhere for many purposes. The handbag can be used as reservoir during ceremonies, women put in it everything that remains such as drink, meat or foods. This the reason that gives Sahadia a mercantile, « …during an invitation for dinner you can’t eat all and then quietly you go home with the residual of foods ». Carefully, some women use it to keep and change their underwear or underclothes if necessary. Exactly as Carlyne student at University of Parakou confirmed, » in my handbag, there is a lot of women’s secrets ». Women feeding baby keep handbag and put in it everything that the baby may need when going out. Moreover, the handbag allows to have all in one and is easy to carry.
Also, it enables women to be in fashion and to have an important personality. Nowadays women join the handbag in conformity to their dress according to the colour and design of the clothe, shoes, jewel and hsir sometimes.
To sum up, quality and costliness of the handbag glamorize woman. It also testifies the place of woman in the society, this can explain why some women keep it although there nothing inside. Have a handbag and keep it is then a necessity in regard to all is advantages.
Translation: Maroufatou Oladjidé KAKPO